Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Score

Ginna: 4 (nights with no new bites)
Fleas: 0

My new technique is to wear leggings with long socks double folded over them. This morning I took off the socks to find four fleas stuck in the fabric of the socks. Kill rate: 75% - one got away.

Two nights ago I dreamed that I arrived back in NYC. It was a foggy night and NYC looked so beautiful I had to fight back my tears.

This is another dream that makes sense to me.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


November 7, 2011

I hope that once I move back to NYC the dreams will stop. They aren’t bad dreams, nothing close to a nightmare, but not pleasant either. Maybe the worst part is that they are reoccurring - I have one every few months, variations on a theme. Usually I’m headed to a party to hang out with Ji but I can’t quite get there. Sometimes I can’t figure out the bus or train system. Once or twice I’ve lost my keys. Always, I’m confused and anxious and frustrated. Always, I’ve made plans to meet up with Ji but can’t quite get there. My phone is dead or I’ve lost the number. Always Ji is waiting for me and I can’t get in touch with him to tell him I’m lost but I’ll figure it out, I’ll be there soon.

I don’t believe much in dream analysis but this one seems pretty obvious.