Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Yesterday's lesson was on pronouns.  Step one: use correct gender pronouns.  I told my kids that gender means male or female.  I had them write that on their papers.  I wrote it on my paper in red pen. 

I feel like I lied to them.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I love teaching writing

which is what I'm doing for a few weeks this summer.  Reading student work can be a pain, but you find gems like these:

"If I discovered a time machine I would touch it."


"A great day usually starts with a dream of you being a hero."

Sometimes you find yourself reading this: "I never liked Hitler and what he did, so I would time travel back into his home and put a cap in his face.  Hitler's army will fall."

Good compound sentence!  This student has also shown his mastery of the possessive apostrophe, and maybe even some empathy?