Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Food and Bug Fotos

Ji's Mom and Aunt found this almost-dead critter in the bathroom during their visit. I took it out to the porch to take pictures while his family made jokes about how we were starting out own bug exhibition and could charge people money to come see it. After pictures the beetle went next to the beautiful dead moth we'd found that morning during breakfast. As evidenced by this episode, it was a fantastic visit. I'd never seen a beetle with bumps on its back like that.

Harmless beetle, huge claws. Funny pads on feet. The surface the beetle is resting on is Ji's shorts because he's ok with me putting almost-dead bugs on his leg to take pictures.

And then Ji's family left and I made pejivalle. It's palm fruit, and pretty fantastic. Step 1: boil.

Step 2: Peel. You'll noticed that I skipped the very important step of "let cool". Ouch.

Step 3: split in half.

Step 4: Fill with natilla, Costa Rican sour cream.

Step 5: eat/enjoy

Step 6: store any leftovers

Not a step, just organic trash, which is more times than not just as beautiful as the edible part.

Pejivalle project over, move onto to boiling eggs.

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