Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Downfalls To Teaching

This morning I crouched naked in the shower for 30 minutes pouring vinegar over my head to get rid of lice. What a funny thing to be doing, I thought. I wonder if they told me to do this as a joke, I thought. I wonder if I’ll have vinegar left over to cook with, I thought.

Vinegar does not smell as strongly as I’d thought. After shampooing the smell does not stick as strongly as I’d worried. Or I just got used to it. Today was a stinky mess anyway – I pulled out clothes I haven't worn recently (the others tossed in the laundry) and with them a comfy, musty, mildew smell. Tonight I sit in mildew pajamas after my vinegar shower. How often do I need to work vinegar into my scalp? When will the lice be gone? I don’t know. But I do know that vinegar makes my scalp warm, 30 min is a long time to sit on my heels and reading with my head between my knees and vinegar dripping off my nose is barely worth it.

1 comment:

  1. Sweetheart, there are too many critters in your daily life! Is there a drier.... even if things have not been washed. High heat for twenty minutes! That's where every stuffed animal, pillow, blankie, jacket, etc went! Good luck. Never heard the vinegar for a half hour but I've been told if you rinse with it your hair will shine. I think I need to maked drawings of your critter life. Love you.
