Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Just One Big Queja

Disclaimer: This entry is just one long complaint.

And now I'm sick. And everything is wet because it hasn't stopped raining for days. Even my tea infuser for my Get Well tea (thank you Mom!) smells like mildew. And it's cold and damp and I'm behind on my work and I wake up scared in the middle of the night because of the robberies and assaults that have been happening.

What being scared in the middle of the night makes me think and do:

-if someone abducted me and dropped me in the middle of the cloud forest I'd be screwed because I don't know what I can eat and I'd never find my way out
-If you climb up on the roof of my house and swing down on the balcony I bet you could break into my house and the dogs wouldn't even notice.
-Even if its raining, if I'm walking at night and hear voices I'll take my umbrella down and grasp it in my fist to make me feel safer

I can't wait for October break. I love my job, but I can't wait for October break.


  1. I want to give you a hug. A dry one. The first day of October is less than 24 hours away.
    Oh, and the good news is if someone climbed on your roof and onto your porch, they would fall and land in the lap of the dogs.
    Hang onto that image with your umbrella.
    Go to the library and learn to identify indigenous edible plants, nuts and seeds. If you don't have time it could be a class project:)

  2. Well love, I think every misery was worth sharing and each one is soooo crummy. Your Mom has said everything that could be said to cheer you. If October is important, it's here. We had a tropical moisture plume that I think dropped so much rain on NC that the Atlantic must be a foot more shallow. But that doesn't count. It's over. Love you and choose to be safe. Aunt S
