Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Ji-Soo and Ginna Try to Leave Brooklyn: Take Two

This morning, more than 24 hours after the snow stopped, S 9th st. in Brooklyn still has not been plowed. I convince a very unwilling Ji-Soo to try to dig the car out of the street with me. This involves digging a car wide path through 1-2 ft of packed down snow from Ji's car, past a van, another van and out into the intersection. I think this sounds like a fantastic challenge. Ji-Soo does not.

But he is kind and supportive and starts the project with me. After about 30 minutes he decides that he is not having fun and heads back inside. I continue the project, not with any real hopes of being successful, but because I can't stand another day in the apartment waiting for something to happen. After about 30 min a garbage truck with a plow on the front goes thru the intersection and yells out his door.
"I'm trying my best to get to you!"
"Are you coming through?"
"If not this time, then the next time around!"
"Thank you!"

But, I've been waiting over a day for a plow to come by, so I don't get my hopes up or stop digging. 10 min later I see him on the street, one block down, slowly working his way toward me. I can't yet believe that the plow might actually pass, so I keep picking away at the snow. I'm about to call up to Ji and tell him the plow is coming if he wants to come down to watch when Ji shows up with a Thermos of hot tea. He pours me a cup of steaming hot chamomile tea while we stand in the middle of the street watching the plow, less than a block away, get stuck in the snow. I finally realize that my toes and fingers are cold and that I want to go inside.

From Ji's apartment on the 15th floor we are able to watch the plow stay stuck. A tow truck arrive to help but ended up leaving the plow stuck in exactly the same place. He is now sitting sideways in his cab, door open, legs out.

I've showered, I've eaten, and I'm going to watch a movie.


  1. wonderful writing, I just saw some amazing pictures taken by a friend that beautifully illustrate the adventures you are having.

  2. Wonderful moment with the comment from the garbage truck driver trying, even if it didn't work out. And Ji brought you a thermos of tea!

  3. Ginna, you've been blessed with seeing so many 'opportunities for success'. I thank you Mom for that attutude. Often.
